Monday, September 20, 2010

Time To Catch Up

It's been a long time since my last entry (which was just about some music I was listening to). My roommates Taylor and Brock have been asking when my next entry is going be. Well my friends, today is your lucky day. There's not much going on at work so I figured today was a good day to continue. Taylor and Brock: this is for you guys.

The last couple of weeks have been pretty crazy w work. A few weeks ago, our buddy Gregg hired Taylor, Brock, and I to work the MTV Video Music Awards. Pretty cool considering we hadn't done that award show yet and it's always kinda cool to have a credential that can get you to certain places the public can't (I love being able to walk up to the front of a huge line or in a crowd and just flash the badge and by pass all the suckers...errrr public). Although the 2-day work week for a pain in the ass, during the downtime, we got to walk around downtown LA and around the venue. Saw some celebrities which is always interesting. Though I didn't get to meet any big names, it was very cool to stand a couple of feet away from Johnny Knoxville and some of the other Jackass guys and Kanye West*

This past weekend, I was able to work the Jack's 5th Show concert. JACK FM is my other job. It's a classic rock station based out of culver city. They have JACK stations all over the US, and when I go home, if I'm not listening to q101, I'm usually listening to JACK (104.3 I used to be the oldies station if memory serves me correctly). My ma even tries to listen to the Chicago JACK station, but I highly doubt she does unless I'm in the car. Anyways, I digress: last year was my first JACK concert. It was a riot. Even though we worked almost the entire show, I was able to cut away and check out the last 2 acts (the B-52's and Foreigner). Even met Billy Idol and George Clinton backstage. I'm not a huge fan of any of the acts, but it's always cool to flash your credentials and go backstage and bypass security. I will say that after seeing Foreigner last year, I'm a big fan now. This year, I was able to get 4 guest VIP passes for some friends, which is why I want to get into the music industry and work either booking or promotions. I love being able to hook my friends up w tickets or shirts or other kinds of shit. Being able to get concert tix for friends would be great. It's my way of showing them the fun of walking up to a line, flashing your badge or saying your name is on the guestlist and walking in w no hassle. It's little things like this that amuse me.*

This years' show was alot of fun. It's never super hard work, but it can get a little stressful at times depending on what you're doing. Don't get my wrong, it's not a cakewalk job, but as long as you can handle not freaking out and just realize that 99% of the people are either drunk, there to have a good time, or both, it makes the stress level go down. Granted I'm not in charge of anything super important, so I'm sure that helps my situation out alot. The big headliner this year was Steve Miller Band whom I was really excited to see perform. They're good live, though w no stage show, nothing spectacular. The shit part of their closing set was that it seemed about half the audience left before and during their set. So everytime they put the houselights up to show the crowd, it was thinner and thinner each time. Kinda felt bad for SMB, but I'm sure they've played to smaller crowds at county fairs). I will continue to look forward to the JACK shows as long as they keep me apart of the crew (hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying that). But it's a great time to catch up w friends and just experience a little more out of the norm that I grew up experiencing. The weekend is always a great time to truly live our JACK promotions motto: 'Work Hard, Play Hard'. Thankfully we didn't have a softball game the next day and I drove myself to Irvine, cause all day Sunday, I was a barfy-hungover mess. Great weekend!******

We finally started the softball fall/winter session the other week as well. I was really hoping to have a better session than last year when we finished 7-6 (?) and missed the playoffs for the 3rd time. We started off hot, but went on a 5 game loose streak which in the end killed us. This session, our team was jacked to play. We felt good going in, even for a 9:30a game, but in the end, took another loss to the ego and the standings. Not a great way to start the season. Luckily because of the JACK show being the 2nd week of the season, we ended up getting out bye week that same week as well, so hopefully, things will start looking up the rest of the season. I can't wait to get back to playing each week; I need to start getting back into shape and start eating healthy, cause I'm getting pretty fat. Back when I had just graduated college, because I finished in the winter, I didn't have a job lined up, so I temporarily got a job working at the local Pizza Hut cause we were friends w the manager, who went to the Derby all the time and we got to know her. I worked there a couple months and put on so much weight, cause all I would do is eat pizza and drink pop. I got so close within 2 spins on the scale, that I quit the next week. I'm getting to that point again (2 spins), so it's time to start bucking the fast food/pasta/pop/Bud heavies. I was killing it for a while w not eating fast food. I went 4 months w/o eating fast food, but maybe 2 or 3 times and now I've been eating alot of McDonalds cause it's so much cheaper and more convienent than getting hot wings everyday (which I'll gladly do). welcome back to my life Miller Lite and Tanquary (though after this past weekend, even writing the words GIN or BEEFEATER is giving me a headache).********

Really looking forward to this weekend. Last year, I went to an Angels game w a college buddy and ran into another college friend who lived in Irvine w her husband. Their seats were 2nd row behind the visitor's bullpen and they invited us to join them as their friends never showed up for that game. Because it was so late in the 2009 season, I assured them that if the following year they get the same tickets, I'll buy the White Sox series. So about 2 months before spring training this year, I got a phone call from Hilary (my friend) asking me if I still wanted them to get the White Sox series tix. 9 months later, here I am with their seats to the Sat and Sun games. They didn't get Fridays game, which is fine, cause I ended up getting tix for that game from a lady on craigslist who was selling 8 so now I'm taking some other friends (different seats, but should still be a good view nonetheless). I might as well get a hotel in Anaheim this weekend, cause I'm gonna be driving down there alot. The only bummer is that the Sox have sucked so badly the past 2 1/2 weeks, we're completely out of the playoff race unless by GOD's merciful hand, we win out and the Twins loose every single remaining game. I doubt this will happen, but either way, it'll be fun to finally see the ChiSox play this year. I think i've maybe seen 5 or 6 games all year on TV. We are the only people I know in LA that don't get WGN. So I usually only catch highlights on SportsCenter or on the White Sox website.*

Gonna wrap this entry up soon. Hopefully I'll get to add another entry later this week. I've been going to a couple food websites every now and again and bookmarking recipes. I made chili last week which didn't turn out very good. I might've used too much wine cause it had a very winey taste that didn't match the way I was hoping and there wasn't really any kick to it, even though I added diced jalapenos. I was hoping to get the consistancy of Weinerschnitzal chili or Yesterdog chili. Failed miserably. Guess I gotta go back to the drawing board.*

Yesterday, Sunday, Taylor, Brock, and Vegas Greg went to a little place in Playa Del Rey that serves a 2 lb. burger. Usually when I'm hungover, I can't eat, but the homemade cherry coke helped a bit so I ate a little bit. Feel like a jackass when we order the big burger cause when they bring it out, people stare. Some lady even took a picture of us w them (we had 4 guys w 4 2-lb. Desperado Burgers...we looked like freaks). I'll be eating that burger the rest of the week. It's a really good burger (the bun is made of Hawaiian Bread), but it's next to impossible to get through.*

Currently listening to: Billy Talent - "Fallen Leaves" and "The Devil On My Shoulder"
                                Robert Plant - "Angel Dance"
                                Everything in Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers' catalog
*My head is still hurting from this weekend. gin sounds disgusting to me right now. I didn't drink any tequila at all this weekend, rediscovered my love for Coors Light, but can't think about drinking any right now. I need a water, excedrin, gatorade, an ice-blended coffee, and maybe an Arnold Palmer to rehydrate after this weekend. Then I'll be fully functionable.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Music

Just a quick note of music I've been listening to lately. A post will happen shortly. Too much going on (i.e. fantasy football).

Currently listening to: Matt Skiba (Alkaline Trio) - Demos
                                Street Sweeper Social Club - Ghetto Blaster E.P.
                                Gogol Bordello - Trans-Continental Hustle