Sunday, August 8, 2010

Another lazy Sunday

It's Sunday and I don't feel like making food, so my plans for today are to go outside and maybe swim in our pool for a bit and then go get a burrito. Living in CA has been awesome since I love Mexican food so much. I don't know if I can consider it my favorite food, but it's up there. There's a place by Taylor and my old place on Bundy and Wilshire, that's like 2 blocks away on Bundy and Santa Monica. It's called Taco Plus. Some of the best Mexican food ever. Their burritos are huge and so good.  There's also tons of food trucks in LA which has become the new food fad in the US. I've only been to a couple, but they are always so good, especially coming out of the bars. Best tacos I've ever had. In GR, whenever I stumbled out of the bars, there was always a hot dog vendor 5 feet from the entrance. Out here, there's food tucks (roach coaches) and bacon-wrapped hot dog stands which are also awesome. Especially with the jalopenos. Not so much w the mayonaise. I've actually haven't tried it, but it just sounds disgusting- though I'm sure it does taste good. I mean, if you're eating a hot dog, you might as well put some mayo on it, it's not like you can make a hot dog healthy, right? Nothing wrong w adding lard to bits and pieces that are leftover from pork products.

Most weekends, I sit at home and completely veg out. I'm serious. From the time I get home on Friday night from work until Mon morning when I leave for work, I usually watch TV and take naps. I don't feel too bad about this, until I actually go outside to get a c.d. out of my car and I realize how nice it is. Sunday's we usually have softball, but our season just ended and we didn't make playoffs and our next season doesn't start for a couple more weeks. So now it's back to watching tv and taking naps all weekend. I'm currently watching pop-up video. I forgot how awesome it is. I also forgot how annoying the little sound effects are when the facts pop up.

I just wanted to drop a little note, cause I was watching tv. I'm gonna go outside and swim for a bit and have a couple beers since it's most likely 80 degrees outside and i'm inside in the dark. I figured out how to post pictures, so hopefully I'll be able to take more pictures and post interesting ones. For sure when I'm back home and at my buddy's wedding.

our pool at 11423 Ohio.

Currently listening to: Iggy Pop & The Stooges - Down on the Street (check out the RATM version). This is one of my favorite songs.

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