Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Got a new phone cause the old one broke. I went to Verizon to get it fixed/replaced, but was luckily due for an upgrade. Landed the Bold. Love it. It's rad. Though i have to make sure to close all apps cause it eats up my battery fast and I hate when that happens. I also hate the people that work at Verizon Wireless on Wilshire and 26th in Santa Monica. They are all worthless. I'll go to the cute girl in Burbank who's from WI from now on.

The past couple of days have been a blur. Literally it's been blurry. My buddy Jimmy Winn was in town on vacation and we partied like we were back in college. We haven't seen each other in 3 or 4 years, so it was quite the scene. I unfortunatly had to work while he was here, but that didn't stop me from enjoying his company and going out and destroying all that were in our path. He arrived Sunday morning and after a low key afternoon or TV and naps, we headed to Q's (a local bar where Taylor plays beer pong every week) to start the partying. But before going to Q's we ran to to the store and grabbed some tequila. There was an unbelievable sale on 1800, so grabbed that and headed home. After putting down 5 or 6 shots at home, we went to Q's to meet up w my buddies Gregg and Matt for beer pong. A couple more shots of tequila and 2 pitchers of beers later, neither of us remember how we ended up at taco truck. Work was gross the next day. I wasn't hungover, but i wasn't normal.

Finally when the work day ended, I headed home to find Jimmy and our buddy Marc (who lives in Redlands now, but is a friend from Illiana) lounging at our apt. A quick little dinner and the rest of the 1800 and we were off to Hollywood. More tequila and some cocktails and beers and what'd ya know, we were back at taco truck. Great night, 3 hours of sleep, and being pretty drunk at work as I sit here trying to concentrate enough to finish this entry. It sounds like I drink alot. I don't. I hardly drink, especially during the weekdays. But a friend was in town. I'll always be up for partying if friends are in town. My liver needs some time to recover now. But I leave for Grand Rapids tomorrow at 5:30a for Andy and Lindsay's wedding in WI and to visit family and friends the rest of the week. It's been a great past couple of nights. Here's to a great couple more this weekend. Cheers!

Currently listening to: The Good, The Bad, & The Queen, tons of Arcade Fire, old Gorillaz, & Queens of the Stone Age live material

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