Thursday, August 5, 2010


A CA judge finally overturned Prop 8 yesterday. A huge sigh of relief literally went through southern ca. This is a huge step for the movement of anti-discrimination. Obviously it'll be fought and end up in the Supreme Court, where I'm confident the ban on prop 8 will be upheld. I'm big on human rights. Whether or not you agree with the issue, equality and the right to be joined in union w someone you love is a BASIC human right. Americans pride themselves on being progressive: Civil rights for blacks, women, and now G&L. Progressiveness is a something that can always be improved. Ignorance is the thing that needs to be squashed.

The last couple of weeks, I've been paying attention alot more to the political scale (prop 8, sb1070, etc). When I used to live back in MI, without fail, i would be engaged in at least 1 argument per week w my friends either about politics, religion, sports, etc. These most likely were always alcohol-fueled, but not all the time. I grew up in a pretty conservative area of the US. Mostly dutch, white kids from fairly to very well-off upbringings. Everyone was very blue collar; some people had alot more than others, but everyone has that midwestern work ethic that shines through. People where I'm from pride themselves on that work ethic, as we should. Anyways, arguments every week back in college and post college w friends. I am on complete opposite sides of many of my really good friends. I don't hold this against them, and I hope they don't hold my political leanings against me. I've always thought and mostly gone against the grain. I have no problem w that. I know alot of my friends used to say that I did it just to be different and not to conform. I used to despise when they would say that. But there was some truth to that: I was different. Sure, we had the same upbring and background, but we think differently. There's nothing wrong with that obviously. Of course I think they're wrong and I'm right on some issues and vice versa. but that's completely subjective. As mad and frustrated as I would get during/after these arguments was that it was so cool to be so open with my friends. Yes, sometimes (almost all the time) these arguments would get explosive, turning from calm explanations to yelling matches. But 99% of the time, by the end of the night and after a couple more beers, all would be fine. That's why I think we all got along as well as we did. We didn't always agree on things and arguments became part of our friendship, but I know I would bring up some valid points and they would also bring up some valid points too. What was good was that we listened, argued the shit out of the statements, agree to disagree and still be friends at the end of the night. Maybe, not everyone feels the same as me. Maybe these guys think i'm the biggest asshole in the world. Maybe I'm truly some ignorant shit that doesn't know when to shut up. At least I hope I still have friends back home...Uh oh, better make sure that plane ticket is refundable...

But in all seriousness, I love my family and friends and I miss them more than i can ever say in words. Every week I try to get someone to move out here. I've made some awesome friends out here. Life long friends. And even some people I knew from growing up in IN and MI live in LA too. So it's great to see them everytime we get together. It would just be cool if more would follow. I know that it's next to impossible for many that have family, wives/husbands/kids, jobs and it's expensive as shit. But for now, you better believe I ain't moving back anytime soon.

I've been getting some awesome feedback on the blog so far. To be honest, I didn't think I'd make it this long. I think this is pretty nerdy and to be this open with anyone who reads it, is a bit unnerving. But I'm enjoying this so far. It's cool to let people know what I think and get to experience while on the opposite side of the US without having to tell the same story over (while forgetting bits and pieces which i do all the time) and bore people to death w things i think are cool. but others could care less about. Don't know how to post pictures, anyone know how to do it? Not that I have a ton that aren't on facebook. I hardly use my camera anymore, but maybe if i can figure how to post pics, I'll start to use it more often. If you have any suggestions/stories/questions/etc you want me to address, let me know. Id love to have a mailbox full of shit i can write about on here.

How about them White Sox? some of my buddies have been texting me about them. I unfortunately don't get to catch many games as I'm usually working when they play and we are the only ones in LA that don't get WGN in our package. However, the other week my buddy informed me that we do get the MLB network which I watch more than ESPN now. I could watch baseball highlights all day. Does anyone else watch 'The Club'? Sooooooo good. Biased because it's about the ChiSox, but if it was about the pirates, I'd prob still watch. You can ask my buddy Nardo and he'll agree that I'm the biggest pessimist. in '05 when the Sox were in the world series and up 3 games to none, I was still nervous. I'm not as uptight anymore, it's more that i'm superstitious. so i try not to jinx anything good that's happening in my life, whether it has any direct effect in my personal life or not, i'm still superstitious. I won't take a certain way home if i have a feeling a cop is there. or I'll grab a box of cereal from behind the first one on the shelf cause i think it'll taste better. Im weird. you should all know this. besides, you're the freaks reading this weirdos' thoughts.

I just got done reading Ozzy Osbourne's book. It's awesome. My buddy Matt got it for me from his work. I feel oddly connected to Ozzy. Not like in a truly personal way, but just like 6 degrees of kevin bacon way. I was never really a huge fan of Ozzy until I would watch 'The Osbournes' reality show while in high school ( i think i was in h.s.). He was a bumbling idiot who everyone's parents in the midwest were afraid of. And now, here's this show full of cuss words w his family just being a normal (as normal as you can be when you're a rock icon) family. They really were fairly normal family. Anyways, after I had moved to LA and been out of work for a couple of days, I got an interview at a radio station. What i didn't know was that the station i was at was also the same station where KROQ was located. Until I walked in and saw the KROQ sign in the lobby. I was listening to KROQ's morning show on my way to the interview and Sharon and Kelly Osbourne were being interviewed. Didn't think twice of it until I walked in. As I'm waiting, out come Sharon and Kelly bullshitting with their assistants and the radio people. The next instance was on the next reality show I worked on for MTV. Our EP (executive producer) of the show, JT, was one of the masterminds behind 'The Osbournes'. So he had a couple of stories about Ozzy and the family. He wasn't a name dropper, so he didn't delve into the details, which I respected. As we were in post-production, JT's buddy Jack would drive his Aston Martin up to our office and come in for meetings. The sexiest car I've ever seen. Now, just hoping to finally meet the man himself. His book was unbelievable and now he's one of the people I want to meet before he or I die (this list includes MJ, Junior Griffey, Jim Rome, Larry David, Dave Grohl, Ozzie Guillen, Eddie Vedder. People I'll have to wait for: Johnny Cash, Joe Strummer, MLK Jr.).

Currently listening to: The Henry Clay People - "You're Famous Friends"
Go buy: The Deftones - 'Diamond Eyes' and The Henry Clay People - 'Somewhere on the Golden Coast'

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